audit services


Our rigorous audit processes helps organizations and individuals achieve their objectives and succeed in the economy through measuring performance, managing risks, and leveraging knowledge.


We take pride in undertaking rigorous audits of your systems and records, enhancing the accountability and transparency of your business. We normally conduct audits in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements, plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements.


The audit process is conducted by our CPA (K) certified auditors and it involves four phases.


Phase 1: Planning and Preparation

This is where we as external auditors obtain an understanding of the individual companies, their policies, internal controls, accounting systems and operating environment.

Phase 2: Execution

During the execution stage, we will gather sufficient and appropriate audit evidence substantiating transactions and account balances as per your accounting records and tracing these amounts and balances through to the Annual Financial Statements.

Phase 3: Completion

During the completion phase of the audit we will conclude on the audit evidence gathered, review the Annual Financial Statements and finalize on activities.

Phase 4: Reporting

This phase involves the finalization and issue of our audit report together with formalities such as client and audit team closing meetings.


Statutory audit

Due diligence audits

Project audits

Forensic audit

Special purpose audit

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